Monday, April 04, 2011

Whose poem is this?

I got this from a BBM message this morning.

Can anybody tell me who wrote it?

Don't Quit


When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high,
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest, if you must, but don't you quit.

Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about,
When he might have won had he stuck it out;
Don't give up though the pace seems slow--
You may succeed with another blow.

Often the goal is nearer than,
It seems to a faint and faltering man,
Often the struggler has given up,
When he might have captured the victor's cup,
And he learned too late when the night slipped down,
How close he was to the golden crown.

Success is failure turned inside out--
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems so far,
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit--
It's when things seem worst that you must not quit.
Indira Prana Ning Dyah Media Investasi dan Bisnis KONTAN Jalan Kebayoran Lama 1119 Jakarta 12210 m. +62818477411 o. +62215357636*1670 f. +62215357633

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Tweet from: @gajahbiru

From: @gajahbiru
Sent: Oct 27, 2010 14:28

Fear should be the driving force to push you forward, not the bind that holds you back. Don't be afraid to jump, be afraid of not moving.

sent via ƜberTwitter

On Twitter:
Indira Prana Ning Dyah Media Investasi dan Bisnis KONTAN Jalan Kebayoran Lama 1119 Jakarta 12210 m. +62818477411 o. +62215357636*1670 f. +62215357633

Thursday, June 17, 2010

All is not well

Back in 2002, i had just started college, and i had big dreams for myself.
i wanted to be successful, and although this is a shallow image of success, i my idea of success meant having money.

to be exact, it was the stereotype kind of success that's portrayed in the movies.
big hotshot job/owning a company. earning lot's of money, i don't want to be ridiculously rich, i just want enough to live like the movies. IT"S SHALLOW, I KNOW!

back then i made a target to myself, i want to earn IDR 5 million per month when i reach 25. that's actually a reachable goal, cause when i reached 25 i know several people who earned that much. but i didn't. in fact, when i reached 25 i was unemployed. i had income, albeit not a steady one, but it didn't reach 5 million.

and now i have nine days left at being 25, and i still don't make that much.

now don't get me wrong, i make enough money to enjoy life, but i feel bad for not achieving a target i made for myself.

and now i know that there are many different versions of success. not just the movie type. i have spoken to many successful people so i know, the fact that i don't earn 5 million right now does not mean that i wont be successful. but i really hate myself for not achieving the target.

i hate myself for being too lazy
i hate myself for my constant procrastination
i hate myself for not being disciplined
i hate myself for wasting my potentials, i know what i can do, but i also know that i was responsible for not doing them.

i need more control over myself.
i need to slap myself for every extra minute i spend in bed when i should be doing something else, something better, something more productive.
i need to stop making up excuses, stop justifying my destructive acts.

i have so many things to do. even when i do managed to have some spare time, i used the time to do things that i don't really need.
i have more thousands of pictures that i need to filter if i do want to at least have a decent portfolio. at least that way i can prove that i really do take pictures, i don't just carry a camera around.
i swear I'm a decent blogger, but i never did have the time to write. then again, i need to correct that sentence. i never MAKE the time to write.

my time management sucks, because i lack discipline. and poor time management leads to poor productivity.

i do realize that my life is a mess. i need to make a new game plan and stick with it!!
as a firm believer in the power of management i am angry at myself for not being able to manage myself.

all is not well, i cant let this go on. cause it will only hurt me more and more. i need to fix this.

Friday, May 14, 2010

More than what meets the eyes

Be careful with tears
It can mean so many things

The proud mother witnessing her daughter's graduation
The broken hearted girl alone in her room
The novice cook chopping onions
The first time contact lens user

They all cry. But the tears have so many different meanings.

Me, I cry cause it would be uncivillized to express my anger by throwing things against the wall.

Don't be fooled. When I'm angry I cry.

Friday, March 19, 2010


Hari ini panas Jakarta terasa menyengat
Bahkan untuk pecinta kehangatan seperti saya
Akumulasi kelelahan sudah mulai menunjukkan keberadaannya
Dan sungguh jiwa ini tergoda untuk menyerah kalah

Saya tidak pernah merasa enggan berjalan jauh
Namun sepertinya tumpukan kegagalan dan penolakan menjadikan perjalanan kali ini lebih berat dari biasanya
Dan di tepi-tepi asa saya hanya bisa memaksa kaki untuk melangkah
Dengan benak berkabut saya bertanya penuh harap kesana-sini

Dan saya pun berusaha mencoba untuk terus mencari perpanjangan tenaga
pada setiap hembusan kesejukan yg membelai
Pada setiap keindahan alam yang tertangkap

Entah bagaimana saya harus terus melangkah.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I just realized that I'm a manipulator

I woke up, saw a conversation that has nothing to do with me and realized that I'm a manipulator

I look back at my past actions, my moves, my methods, and realized that I've been a manipulator

My little brother once said that I'm cunning. I thought he was exaggerating. But know I realize that he might be right.

Ironically, I've always hated manipulators since I could always spot their tricks. Now I understand why I could spot them, it takes one to know one.

And sadly, I'm as sleazy as those manipulators I hate, but I personally seldom benefit from my manipulative acts.

Imagine that, becoming something I hate, and yet failing to profit from it.
Maybe I'm both too smart and too dumb for my own good

PS: I feel like a normal person all along, so maybe we are all manipulators, Or maybe I'm just delusional.

Friday, January 08, 2010

for the love of magazines

i am writing this to confess my love of magazines.

not, it's not like i don't love books, or newspapers, or other types of written publications, I love them..
as a matter of fact i love most forms of printed matter. be it books, posters, postcards, fliers, packaging, and paper napkins with a logo.

but i must admit that my love for magazines has intrigued me because it has reached a certain point where even I, the lover, wonders why I feel so strongly for magazines, the Lovee.

after all, a magazine is somewhat stuck in limbo. it does not contain as much information as a book. and it is not as up-to-date as a newspaper. (even though i often find myself enjoying the experience of reading outdated news)

magazines are sometimes expensive