Wednesday, May 20, 2009

i am my limit

dengan komputer yang "cukup" baik saya mencoba membuat logo yang "cukup" menantang dengan kemampuan desain saya yang "pas-pasan" (i'm not even gonna say that i'm a quite-good designer)
kini saya menunggu komputer yang setia itu menambahkan brush pattern ke sebuah path.
it is taking a loooong time.
and i'm not sure it's even gonna turn out well.
but this is something i'm actually excited to do.
the computer is actually not optimized for designing, it's not powerful enough.
this is quite a project actually, not my usual tasks of university-level logos.
and i am not as skilled nor educated enough as any other real graphic designers

but i really want to do this. and i will not let me limit me anymore.

Monday, May 04, 2009

a little note from bali

right now i'm in bali.
nearly flat broke,
and having so many problems that i'm gonna have to deal when i get back to jakarta
jakarta is my reality,
bali is my escape.
but somehow, even though i really appreciate the break, i enjoyed the scenery, the atmosphere, all the new things to discover, i know that i'm gonna have to get back to reality.

and can't say that this trip was uneventful, far from it
i knew that this trip would be a test of many things.
i only wish that after this long, deserved break, i'll have enough energy, motivation, and i don't know what else i need, to really make this vacation worth the sacrifice.

satisfaction is something i hardly ever felt

the thing i expect most of this trip, or maybe not instantly, but in the coming months ahead, is to have something from this trip that resulted in something satisfying.

all really i want, is satisfaction.
