Wednesday, October 17, 2007

more quotes

"age is nothing but mind over matter, if you don't mind, it doesn't matter"

"i'm so worried with doing everything right. cause it's something i've always dreamed of doing" <ugly betty>

"never underestimate the power of young people if they've got their heart in the right place" <jamie oliver>

"go big, or go home" <jhonny tsunami>
"competition brings out the worst from people" <that's so raven>

"lo tuh penuh dengan kecemasan dan kebanyakan mikir" <pat>
"Y is a chromosome that doesn't do much except make you male"

"the lotus starts as a seed buried in dark mud but it has the tenacity to bloom and grow as a flower"


more quotes

"age is nothing but mind over matter, if you don't mind, it doesn't matter"

"i'm so worried with doing everything right. cause it's something i've always dreamed of doing"

"never underestimate the power of young people if they've got their heart in the right place"

"go big, or go home"
"competition brings out the worst from people"

"lo tuh penuh dengan kecemasan dan kebanyakan mikir"
"Y is a chromosome that doesn't do much except make you male"

"the lotus starts as a seed buried in dark mud but it has the tenacity to bloom and grow as a flower"

Thursday, October 11, 2007

holiday state of mind..

sudah terasa sejak pagi tadi waktu berangkat kerja
kota ini mulai melenggang..
memang ada kemacetan, tapi dari berbagai perangkat dan persiapan yang tertangkapp sekelebatan mata kita tahu bahwa mereka hendak menuju keluar kota.
pulang... mereka berangkat untuk pulang.

dan terasa juga dari pancaran energi semua orang,
badanmu mungkin disini tapi pikiranmu ditempat lain.
mungkin masih di rumah, di tempat tidur..
mungkin di suatu tempat yang masih samar tapi kau tahu bahwa kau akan menghabiskan waktumu bersama orang-orang yang kau sayangi
mungkin juga kau sudah merencanakan waktu liburmu itu untuk mengerjakan sesuatu yang memang sedari dulu sudah ingin kau kerjakan..
atau mungkin kau sealiran dengan diriku, yang membenci liburan. yang bingung kalang kabut karena tidak tahu harus melakukan apa di hari2 kosong itu.

yes dear, you're in a holiday state of mind. everybody is.

sebagian besar tempat usaha sudah tutup..
dan mereka yang buka pun sebagian besar terlihat seperti tidak ingin berada disana.

everybody's trying to finish whatever it is they're supposed to do as soon as possible.
but i dont want everything to end so soon today..
i dont want they day too end..
cause i dread facing tomorrow, cause i dread going through holidays...

this is my version of a holiday state of mind.


holiday state of mind..

sudah terasa sejak pagi tadi waktu berangkat kerja
kota ini mulai melenggang..
memang ada kemacetan, tapi dari berbagai perangkat dan persiapan yang tertangkapp sekelebatan mata kita tahu bahwa mereka hendak menuju keluar kota.
pulang... mereka berangkat untuk pulang.

dan terasa juga dari pancaran energi semua orang,
badanmu mungkin disini tapi pikiranmu ditempat lain.
mungkin masih di rumah, di tempat tidur..
mungkin di suatu tempat yang masih samar tapi kau tahu bahwa kau akan menghabiskan waktumu bersama orang-orang yang kau sayangi
mungkin juga kau sudah merencanakan waktu liburmu itu untuk mengerjakan sesuatu yang memang sedari dulu sudah ingin kau kerjakan..
atau mungkin kau sealiran dengan diriku, yang membenci liburan. yang bingung kalang kabut karena tidak tahu harus melakukan apa di hari2 kosong itu.

yes dear, you're in a holiday state of mind. everybody is.

sebagian besar tempat usaha sudah tutup..
dan mereka yang buka pun sebagian besar terlihat seperti tidak ingin berada disana.

everybody's trying to finish whatever it is they're supposed to do as soon as possible.
but i dont want everything to end so soon today..
i dont want they day too end..
cause i dread facing tomorrow, cause i dread going through holidays...

this is my version of a holiday state of mind.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

please excuse me while i spam your inbox

i decided to spam some of my friends' cellular inbox daily with the most interesting thing i've heard that day. i always invite them to give responses. and some of them actualy do. they give the most interesting and thought provoking responses. here are the first four quotes:

October 2nd 2007
"if you're not the extraordinary type, at least you could become the not-so-ordinary kind. it's better than ordinary anyway" <iet>

October 1st 2007
"some people are like mine fields, do the wrong thing and your relationship is ruined. If only we can press CTRL+Z and undo" <gajah>

September 30th 2007
"when you start all the unimportant things, you usually end up with all that matters. DREAM." <iet>

September 29th 2007
"it's called unemplyment cause it enables you to do unimportant things" <dara>


please excuse me while i spam your inbox

i decided to spam some of my friends' cellular inbox daily with the most interesting thing i've heard that day. i always invite them to give responses. and some of them actualy do. they give the most interesting and thought provoking responses. here are the first four quotes:

October 2nd 2007
"if you're not the extraordinary type, at least you could become the not-so-ordinary kind. it's better than ordinary anyway"

October 1st 2007
"some people are like mine fields, do the wrong thing and your relationship is ruined. If only we can press CTRL+Z and undo"

September 30th 2007
"when you start all the unimportant things, you usually end up with all that matters. DREAM."

September 29th 2007
"it's called unemplyment cause it enables you to do unimportant things"