3 september2007, 00:38
okay, i regret having that can of nescafe latte before driving my little brother (who's actually bigger and taller than i am) to his friends's house.
now it's past midnight and i can sleep. which is not a good thing since i'm supposed to be at work tommorow (correction this morning) at 8. and i think i'll take the car, which means i'll have to go earlier than usual. another thing that makes me think not being able to sleep at this hour a bad thing is that by my prediction i am currently sleep deprived.
i have spent the last 30 minutes searching for my savings book. i can't find the niaga book. eventhough i already have the BCA. hell i even found the mandiri book, despite the fact that i no longer posses an account there.
if you're wondering why am i writing this in english, it's due to the fact that i misspelled "definitely" in an SMS this morning. i figured i'd better do something to prevent the retardation of my english proficiency. so here i am, rambling in english.
you know, i usually know where my things are, despite the general untidy condition of my room. (okay it's a mess, i'll admit it. it looks more like an warehouse/bookstore/closet that's been turned upside down, shaken, and stirred) but i usually know where my things are. and irronically, i couldn't find my savings book because i was ordered to clean my room last wednesday. (23 years and still taking orders from my parents to clean my room, i can't say i'm proud). i was too focused on making the room look representative, i forgot to keep track of where everything is put away.
i just found the book. it was sitting lying under my nose all the time, well, under darth vader's whole head actually. (does he still have a nose under that breathing apparatus of his?)
now that i've found my savings book, i'm going to try (mind you i said TRY) to manage my money. i realise that my spending pattern is to spend alot in the early weeks and then go broke in the final weeks. that is not a good pattern, because who knows what's going to happen in the final weeks. so i figured i'd split the money weekly based on the fixed weekly expenditures i calculated, that way i wont go broke at the third and fourth weeks of the month. i would more likely go broke on weekends and then at monday i'll open the week's envelope and be able to "breathe" again. well, at least for the following 7 days .
01:19 oh good, i'm yawning!! something about typing in english must have reminded my id of all those nights typing my thesis.
i hope i won't forget to save this file to my flash drive, it would have been a silly waste if i didn't. please excuse me for miss spelling any words or using unappropriate words. i'm too lazy right now to use the thesaurus or the spell checker. and also please forgive me for being too dramatic, i just spent my day reading 2 teenlit novels (princess diaries 1 & 2 to be exact), i couldn't find other books to read. (again, due to the cleaning of the room. if i were to open the box with the books inside, i would create another mess in my room, and i know i won't be quick to put everything back in its place. i'll just put it off until it builds up into another mess the size of my room)
01:22 i'm yawnning again
well i'd better transfer this file to my FD, shut down the computer, and hit the sack now that i'm officially sleepy. i was planning on updating my playlist, but i think i could live with the old one for another day.
Labels: righthererightnow